Text Case Converter
Convert your text between different cases: lowercase, UPPERCASE, Title Case, camelCase, and more.

Convert Your Text
Enter your text below and choose the case conversion type
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Converted Text
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How It Works
Simple steps to convert your text to any case
Enter Text
Input your text in the editor.
Choose Case
Select your desired case conversion type.
See your text instantly converted to the selected case.
Copy Result
Copy the converted text to your clipboard.
Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions about text case conversion
What is text case conversion?
Text case conversion is the process of changing the capitalization style of text. This can include converting text to uppercase, lowercase, title case, or various programming case styles like camelCase or snake_case.
When should I use different text cases?
Different cases serve different purposes. Title case is often used for headlines, camelCase and PascalCase are common in programming, while sentence case is typical for normal text content.
What's the difference between camelCase and PascalCase?
camelCase starts with a lowercase letter and capitalizes subsequent words (myVariableName), while PascalCase capitalizes every word including the first (MyVariableName).
Why use snake_case or kebab-case?
snake_case and kebab-case are often used in programming for file names, URLs, and database fields where spaces aren't allowed. They improve readability by separating words with underscores or hyphens.
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