CSS Minifier
Optimize your CSS code by removing unnecessary characters and reducing file size for faster website loading.

Minify Your CSS
Paste your CSS code below to minify and optimize it
Original CSS
Minified CSS
How It Works
Minify your CSS in three simple steps
Paste CSS
Paste your original CSS code into the editor.
Click the minify button to optimize your CSS.
Copy or Download
Copy the minified CSS or download the file.
Use the minified CSS in your website.
Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions about CSS minification
What is CSS minification?
CSS minification is the process of removing unnecessary characters from CSS code without changing its functionality. This includes removing whitespace, newlines, comments, and optimizing the code structure.
Why should I minify my CSS?
Minifying CSS reduces file size, which leads to faster page load times, reduced bandwidth usage, and improved website performance. This can positively impact user experience and SEO.
Does minification affect CSS functionality?
No, CSS minification only removes unnecessary characters and optimizes the code structure. The functionality and styling of your CSS remains exactly the same.
Should I keep the original CSS file?
Yes, it's recommended to keep the original, unminified CSS file for development and maintenance. Use the minified version only in your production environment.
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